The Ciro Project has reached one of its main milestones during this month: the development of a competition between educational centres on innovative and disruptive projects that improve air quality and reduce climate change in their cities, so that students have had the opportunity to express and encourage their full creative potential.
The educational project Erasmus+ “Ciro – Introducing the importance of the next European model of “green” energy into School Education”, aims to promote the training of teachers and awareness of students, aged 14 to 17, in the development of knowledge, skills and abilities on climate change, sustainability, renewable energies, energy storage systems (with emphasis on hydrogen technologies) and the final applications of these technologies.
This project, led by ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente SL, involves three schools, two Spanish: IES Diego de Guzmán (Huelva) and Colegio Jesús Nazareno (Madrid), and another German: Städtisches Heriburg-Gymnasium (Germany).
After an internal competition to develop an innovative project based on reducing climate change and improving air quality in their city, the two winning teams of each school prepared a report of their projects and attended to the virtual final phase of the competition from May 11 to 14, 2021. In this final phase of the competition, the participating teams presented their projects and participated in different learning activities to promote soft skills (entrepreneurship, leadership, innovation and motivation), and to develop a commercialization plan for their projects.
ARIEMA, The Centre of Sources and Renewable Energy Savings in Greece and the company Cyber Coach Smart (United Kingdom), specialized in educational games, also partners of the CIRO project, participated as evaluators of the Final competition of the CIRO project together with External Experts such as Esperanza Montero Product Manager of Energy Transition and Hydrogen at Carburos Metálicos, and Francisca Segura, professor at the University of Huelva.
The evaluation criteria were based on the oral exposition, the quality and clarity of the information presented, the students’ involvement and effort dedicated among other aspects.
Finally, the first prize went to the School Building project by Städtisches Heriburg-Gymnasium, while the second and third prizes went to the Sustainable Transport and Sustainable Edification projects, respectively, both by IES Diego de Guzmán.
For more information of Ciro´s Project, please contact info@ciroproject.com