Activity 1: General coordination



Activity 4: Development of the CIRO competition

Activity 5: Dissemination activities and communication of results

Innovative projects to contribute to the reduction of climate change and the improvement of air quality in your city

Communication plan

Activities designed and developed for the Final Competition

Interpersonal skills development activities.

  • Entrepreneurship:
  • Leadership:
  • Product marketing plan development activity:
  • Development of the innovative project commercialization plan activity
  • Innovative project conclusion activity
  • Final project defense activity. Questions and answers:

Brochures and outreach material

Introducción de la importancia del próximo modelo energético “verde” de Europa en la Educación Escolar

¿Cuánto tiempo tiene que esperar el último coche?

¿Por qué el hidrógeno?

CIRO Poster

CIRO Video

Brochures and outreach material

  • Extra follow-up activities